Established in 2006,
Cactus Press is a Montreal based micro-press
specializing in limited edition poetry chapbooks.
Editor in Chief - Devon Gallant
Devon Gallant is the author of five poetry books The Day After, the flower dress and other lines, His Inner Season, S(tars) & M(agnets), and Bootleg Sake. His work has been previously published in Vallum, Carousel, Misunderstandings Magazine, Bitterzoet Magazine and elsewhere.
Editor - James Dunnigan
James Dunnigan is a writer, scholar and editor from Montreal currently completing a PhD in English Lit at the University of Toronto. He is the author of four chapbooks, including, most recently 2022’s Windchime Concerto (The Alfred Gustav Press) and Investigating the Blue Line Poets (Black Sails Publications). His creative and critical work appears in places like Event Magazine, CV2, HA&L, The Imagist, Black Sails, Maisonneuve Magazine and the Miramichi Reader.
Editor - Willow Loveday Little
Willow Loveday Little's work has appeared in such places as The Dalhousie Review, yolk literary, Metatron, The Selkie's Very Much Alive: Stories of Resilience anthology, HA&L, The League of Canadian Poets chapbook series, Vallum, and On Spec. She is the author of the poetry collection (Vice) Viscera, out with Cactus Press.
Find her at @willowloveday.
Editor (2007-2012) - Jim Johnstone is the author of five collections of poetry, including The Chemical Life (Véhicule Press, 2017). He curates the Anstruther Books imprint at Palimpsest Press, where he published The Next Wave: An Anthology of 21st Century Canadian Poetry (2018).