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love poems suck
Martin Breul
50 Copies
ISBN 978-1-990474-20-0
Martin Breul lives and writes in Montréal [Tiohtià:ke]. His poetry and flash fiction has appeared in print and online in Acta Victoriana, Wet Grain, The Honest Ulsterman, Riverbed Review, Red Lemon Review, sage cigarettes magazine, and others. He has also written reviews for The Common Breath and periodicities. Variety Pack nominated his poem “Glutton” for BOTN 2023 and in 2021 he won the Mona Elaine Adilman Prize for his eco-poetry at McGill University, where he currently pursues a PhD in literature and helps to run the Montreal International Poetry Prize. His various academic interests include comics studies, refugee literature, and Canadian reception.
Twitter @BreulMartin
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