(text version of image 2)
I have dreamt
of the same
room for the past
seven days it is a room that you know;
a room stitched together
sturdy like your marrow
the hallway leads to an
orange room
filled with
Arakawa prints bigger
my height
Behind one, there is a
always a door
that leads to a great trainyard
There are no trains;
only the anticipation of trains
Across the tracks
there is a ship
filled with desks
long discards The window is smutty
with dirt, and when I
try to look through it
I only
William John Wither is a speculative fiction writer living in Montreal, Canada. He is the lead game designer of IMPACT: A Foresight Game, and has bee published in Exile Quarterly, MISC Magazine, and the CVC8 Anthology. Their work can be found at williamwither.com.