I’m trying to forget
the dream I had about you,
the dream that woke me.
You were so beautiful.
We were together
someplace mutual,
perhaps working
on a project together.
Your hair was perfect,
parted in the middle
like you often wear it
and we were both naked.
I was more beautiful, fitter
than I am in reality. You were
exactly the same, only more
so. It was impossible, but
at the same time so natural.
You reached out and touched
my shoulders. I put my hands
on your breasts. We looked
calmly, peacefully
into each other’s eyes.
Then we were making love.
Real love. Not that fake
snowflake bullshit. Body
and soul love. It was terrific.
Then I awoke, terrified.
George Slobodzian's work has appeared in literary magazines across Canada. Clinical Studies, a book of poetry, was published by DC Books, and a book of his poems was translated into German and published by Mattes Verlag of Heidelberg.